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Eradicate Illiteracy and

Educational Deficit

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  5. Eradicate illiteracy and educational deficit

A UNICEF points out that more than 303 million children, adolescents and young people of school age are out of school around the world.

The Future of Our Generations

Depend on us

Eradicating illiteracy is our challenge. Here, issues such as the training of educators, strategies for keeping adults in literacy programs and the concept of illiteracy itself find a place in the discussion on how to prevent the goal from having to be extended. Combating the educational deficit and school dropout are goals of Oakpar Foundation.


Universal to Education

In addition to the construction of these proposals, the Oakpar Foundation seeks to rescue the spirit of mobilization and social participation that gave rise to the longest and most prosperous democratic period in the history of Brazil, placing the rights of children and adolescents first and at the center of national public policies. 

  • Ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education;
  • Ensure equal access for all men and women to quality technical, professional and higher education;
  • Provide safe and non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all;
  • Substantially reduce the proportion of young people without employment, education or training; 

Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education I

First Seed Program

Intellectual, human, social and cultural development of students, through free access to excellent education in the areas of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education, from full-time teaching centers, in regions with large urban densities and/or low levels of human development – HDI. The program First Seed is intended to welcome children and adolescents aged between 4 and 14 years, from different social, cultural and economic classes, through accessibility to education and culture, under the aegis of responsibility and citizenship, anchored in the belief that the individual is the agent transformative of his life and society.

Educational Inequalities

Addressing the Deficit and Promoting
Social Inclusion

Grow in All Dimensions

Valuing Comprehensive Training
Children in Education

Building a
Quality School Environment

Inspiring Learning Spaces

Fighting against
Illiteracy and Child Labor

 Investing in Children's Futures

Ensuring the
Universal Right to Education

A Path to
Development and Equality

UNESCO recommendations

Steps to Follow

The Rights of
Child and Adolescent

Protection and Promotion of Human Dignity

Intellectual Training and

Youth Technician-Professional

According to UNICEF, 70% of 10-year-old children are now in learning poverty, unable to read and understand simple text.

The Foundation of a Lasting Education

Intellectus Omnis Program

The program Intellectus Omnis will transform the reality and future of thousands of teenagers and young people aged 11 to 18, from different social, cultural and economic classes, by promoting, in depth, the student's intellectual and technical-professional training, allowing them to enter the market of qualified work and, consequently, their professional and economic advancement.

Integration of Elementary School II to Vocational High School

Promoting Broad and Preparatory Education for the Job Market

Scientific Initiation in High School

Stimulating Curiosity and Preparing for Science and Research

Breaking Horizons

Guiding Students Toward a Future of Opportunity

Vocational Education

Proficiendi Program

The program Proficiency for life will transform the reality and future of thousands of adolescents and young people aged 15 to 20, from different social, cultural and economic classes, by promoting, in depth, the student's intellectual and technical-professional training, allowing their entry into the qualified job market and, consequently, their professional and economic advancement.

The High School Transition

for Higher Education

The Role of Foreign Aid in

Creation of Universities

Investing in
Scientific Talent of the Future

Scientific Initiation for Brilliant Students