Cookies Policy


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Cookies Policy

We, the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GROUP, a company registered and existing under the laws of XXXXXXX, with registration number XXXXXXX, with registered office at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (hereinafter referred to as “XXXXXXXXX” or “us”), the provider of the website www.X ( hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), uses cookies and similar technologies on our website (hereinafter collectively referred to as “cookies”) to differentiate you from other users of the website and remember your preferences. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve the website.

  1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer, tablet, smartphone or other device (hereinafter referred to collectively as a “device”) by websites you visit. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your device's hard drive. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to website owners. To learn more about cookies, visit

Cookie-like technologies such as HTML5 Web Storage may, like cookies, store small amounts of data on your device. With web storage, data is stored locally in your browser and is not sent to our web server. Web storage offers two storage options, local storage and session storage. Local storage stores data for your entire website permanently, with no expiration date. Session storage stores data temporarily, for a single browser window or tab.

 How do we use cookies?

On our website, we use the following cookies for the purposes described below. These cookies are stored on your device for a predefined period of time. After the storage period expires, they will be deleted.

Essential cookies. These are cookies and similar technologies that are necessary to operate our website. They include, for example, cookies that help the website load and display, allow you to log in to secure areas of our website or increase the security of the website. We are permitted to use these cookies without your prior consent. If you block these cookies in your browser, the website will not function properly.

Important definitions

  • First-party cookies: these are cookies inserted by the website you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies: these are cookies inserted by domains other than the website visited by the user.
  • Persistent cookies: These cookies remain on the user's device for a specific time. They are activated each time a user returns to the website that created the particular cookie.
  • Session cookies: These cookies allow website operators to track user actions only during a session. The session begins when the user opens the browser and ends when the user closes the browser. Session cookies are temporary, so all session cookies are deleted when the user closes the browser.
  • Technical cookies: are essential for our website to function correctly and include basic functionalities, such as identifying the session or providing registered users with access to restricted access areas. Therefore, technical cookies cannot be disabled.
  • User input cookies: They are used to authenticate users and help ensure that only the user will have access to a given section.
  • Authentication and security cookies: They help the user to detect possible fraud on the website and protect certain sections during access.
  • Functionality cookies: allow the website to remember your preferences during your website browsing experience.
  • Performance Cookies: collects information about how you navigate through our website.
  • Targeting Cookies: used to detect whether the user is logged in or not and can also retrieve data from first-party cookies that you have registered during your browsing experience.
  • Statistics Cookies: Their purpose is to verify the way in which the user interacts with the website, collecting anonymous information during the time they browse the website. The purpose of collecting such information is to make improvements to the website based on the analysis of aggregated data.
  • Marketing Cookies: Marketing or advertising cookies are used to analyze your behavior when visiting the Website so that, from time to time, other providers can offer you personalized and relevant advertising, corresponding to your browsing profile.
  1. How we use cookies

Our website uses its own (primary) cookies, that is, from the WWW.MEUSITE.COM domain, to record users' browsing settings and preferences and generate statistical reports through Google Analytics, and also third-party cookies to complement these statistics.

Register acceptance of the homepage cookie banner
1 year
Maintain the language option selected by the user
Until the browsing session ends
Notify the user when they use an old or incompatible browser
1 week
Provide spam protection
Until the browsing session ends
Store user session with expiration time
Until the browsing session ends
Register an individual ID number whose purpose is to generate statistical data on visits to the website. Statistical data: • Unique user identification • Identification of the number of visits the user has already made and the time • Identification of traffic sources for the first visit • Determination of the beginning and end of each session
2 years
Function: manage the rate of requests to the portal.
1 day
Used to store and count page views
2 years
Used to store information on how visitors use a website and helps in creating a website performance analysis report.
1 day
Manage the rate of requests to the portal
1 day
Manage the rate of requests to the portal
1 day
Allows YouTube to count views of YouTube videos embedded in the portal
9 months
Store login information and personalize ads.
1 month
Store user activity on Google across devices, including for advertising ads.
23 days
Build a profile of user interests and display Google ads in a relevant and personalized way.
2 years
Used by Google to store user preferences
2 years
Remember preferences and other information (preferred language, number of search results, activation of Google's SafeSearch filter).
6 months
Enables Google Maps functionality
1 month
Allow Google to collect user information for videos hosted by YouTube
2 years
Used to correctly send data to Google
5 months
To provide identification of trusted web traffic
1 year
To provide ad delivery or retargeting, and provide fraud prevention
2 years
To provide ad delivery or retargeting
Allow Google to collect user information for videos hosted by YouTube
2 years
Display Google ads on third-party websites.
2 years
Determine whether the website ad was displayed correctly.
1 year
It allows you to analyze data collected by, specific behavior and interests, such as pages visited and interaction with advertisements) and demographic data (information about age, biological sex and general location).
2 weeks
Used to track views of videos embedded on YouTube pages
Until the browsing session ends
To store user preferences
8 months
To store location data
Until the browsing session ends
Build a profile of user interests and display Google ads in a relevant and personalized way.
2 years
Build a profile of user interests and display Google ads in a relevant and personalized way.
2 years
Build a profile of user interests and display Google and Youtube ads in a relevant and personalized way.
2 years
Identify users and track activity.
1 year
Build a profile of user interests and display Google and Youtube ads in a relevant and personalized way.
2 years
Build a profile of user interests and display Google ads in a relevant and personalized way
2 years
Build a profile of user interests and display Google ads in a relevant and personalized way
2 years
Build a profile of user interests and display Google ads in a relevant and personalized way
2 years
Necessary to use the website's options and services
2 years
Used by the social network to find out where the user comes from
This Cookie records a unique ID to keep statistics of which YouTube videos the user has watched.
Until the browsing session ends
Twitter uses this cookie for advertising and behavioral analytics
5 years
It is defined due to Twitter integration and sharing features for social media
3 hours
It is defined due to Twitter integration and sharing features for social media
2 years
It is defined due to Twitter integration and sharing features for social media
2 years
Unique ID that identifies the user session
2 years
Used to prevent Cross_Site request forgery
2 hours
To store and track website visits
3 months
To provide ad delivery or retargeting
3 months
Used to optimize ad relevance by collecting visitor browsing data
2 years
It is defined due to Twitter's integration and sharing features. Stores information about how the user uses the website and any advertising they may have seen before
2 years
Used to store information about the time a sync occurred with the lms_analytics cookie
30 days
To provide ad delivery or retargeting
30 days
To store actions performed on the website
1 day
Used to remember a user's language setting to ensure is displayed in the language selected by the user in their settings
Until the browsing session ends
To store browser details
3 months
To store browser details
2 years
To store actions performed on the website
2 years
It is used in session tracking. Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, we need to use any session to remember the state
Until the browsing session ends
  1. Information on Cookies used to use social networks

The site incorporates videos and other media files from Facebook, Youtube and Google. The user can search for more information about the cookies used by these social networks and how personal data is processed by them. Below are links to access the Privacy Policies of each social network.

Facebook -

YouTube –

Google -

Twitter –

LinkedIn –

4.1 Setting Cookies in the browser

To manage cookies, one alternative is to configure your browser. Tutorials on the topic at the links below:

If you use Internet Explorer –

If you use Firefox –

If you use Safari –

If you use Google Chrome –

If you use Microsoft Edge –

If you use Opera –

The user can change permissions, block or refuse Cookies in their browser at any time, with the exception of strictly necessary cookies (essential cookies). However, revoking consent for certain Cookies may impair the correct functioning of some website features.

  1. How and for how long data will be stored

Personal data processed through the website will be used and stored in Brazil, for as long as necessary to provide the service or for the purposes listed in this Privacy Notice to be achieved, considering the rights of users and those responsible for data processing (controllers). and operators).

The data collected by Google Analytics cookies may be transferred outside Brazil, but there are clauses in the Terms for data processing, so that the data is equally well protected

The data will be kept as long as it is relevant. After the period in which personal data needs to remain stored, it will be deleted from our databases or anonymized, respecting the hypotheses legally provided for in art. 16 of the LGPD. That is, personal information that is necessary to comply with legal, judicial and administrative determinations and/or to exercise the right to defense in judicial and administrative proceedings will be maintained, despite the exclusion of other data.

  1. Security in the processing of personal data

The way data is processed by the website reflects its commitment to the security and protection of personal data to guarantee privacy. Appropriate technical protection measures and solutions are used to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and inviolability of personal data. To keep personal data protected, physical, electronic and managerial tools aimed at protection and privacy are used.

The application of these tools takes into account the nature of the personal data processed, the context and purpose of the processing and the risks that possible violations would generate for the rights and freedoms of the data subject.

The website is committed to using best practices to prevent security incidents.

In the event of security incidents that may generate significant risk or damage to users, XXXXXXXXXX will act by communicating the holders, especially those directly affected, and also the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), which will act on what occurred in compliance with LGPD determinations.

  1. Data sharing

In order to preserve privacy, the website will not share personal data with any unauthorized third party not listed below. The operators listed below process personal data on behalf of the person responsible for the processing (controller). They receive data only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing. Contracts between these operators are guided by LGPD standards, and these partners have their own Privacy Notices or Policies:

Abidine Digital, Goiânia- GO, CEP: 74.367-633 (

There are other hypotheses in which personal data may be shared:

I – Legal determination, request, requisition or court order, with competent judicial, administrative or governmental authorities.

II – Protection of the rights of the portal in any type of conflict, including those of a judicial nature.

  1. User rights (data subject)

The website ensures its users their rights as holders of personal data provided for in art. 18 of the LGPD. This way, it is possible, free of charge and at any time:

Object to the processing of personal data at any time. However, it is important to understand that exercising this right will cause discordance in the relationship between citizen and State, and consequently less effective treatment by the website. in the delivery of available services;

Confirm the existence of personal data processing, in a simplified manner or in a clear and complete format;

Access your personal data, being able to request it in a readable copy in printed form or by electronic, secure and reliable means;

Correct your personal data, when requesting their editing, correction or updating;

Limit your personal data when unnecessary, excessive or treated in non-compliance with legislation through anonymization, blocking or deletion;

Revoke your consent, deauthorizing the processing of your data;

  1. How to exercise your rights

To exercise your rights as a user (data subject), you can contact the Person in Charge of Personal Data Processing, through the following channels:

  1. Changing this Privacy Notice

This version of this Privacy Notice was last updated on 1/8/2022.

The editor reserves the right to modify these rules at any time, especially to adapt them to improvements in the website service., either by making new features available or by removing or modifying existing ones.

Any change or update to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will come into effect from the date of publication on the service website and must be fully observed by users.

In cases where changes or updates to the Privacy Notice relate to the purpose, form and duration of processing, change of controller(s) or shared use of data, the data subject will be informed accordingly, being- allowed to revoke your consent if you disagree with the content of the changes.

  1. Responsibility

The website provides for the responsibility of agents who act in data processing processes, in accordance with arts. 42 to 45 of the LGPD.

And you undertake to keep the Privacy Notice updated, observing its provisions and ensuring compliance. Furthermore, it is also committed to seeking technical and organizational conditions capable of protecting the entire data processing process.

  1. Disclaimer

As mentioned in Topic 4, although high security standards are adopted to avoid incidents, there is no virtual page that is entirely risk-free. In this sense, the website is not responsible for:

I – Any consequences arising from users’ disregard or carelessness in relation to their individual data. The website is only responsible for the security of data processing processes and compliance with the purposes described in this cookie policy. It should also be noted that the user is responsible for the confidentiality of access data.

II – Malicious actions by third parties, such as cyber attacks, unless proven culpable or deliberate conduct on the part of the website

III – The inaccuracy of the information entered by the user in the records necessary for the use of the website's services and any consequences resulting from false information or information entered in bad faith are the sole responsibility of the user.