Restricted area

Positively Relationships

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A Oakpar Foundation promotes integrity and transparency in relationships, by providing secure access to information on its organizational structure, operations and environmental, educational and social results achieved.

Integrity, Probity, Ethics and Efficiency in Management

Through this portal, the registered user will be able to access documentation, reports, presentations, among other publications, for exclusive or restricted use, the right, domain and/or property of Oakpar Foundation.

About the Restricted Area

The Oakpar Foundation Restricted Area operates as a private direct communication platform or network, also called Extranet, based on internet protocols, for our exclusive use and restricted/exclusive access to registered Stakeholders.

Request and Access to the Restricted Area

Before requesting access to Oakpar Foundation Restricted Area, through our direct communication channel available on this Website, we suggest reading the Privacy Policy and General Conditions of Use of the Restricted Area. The use of the Restricted Area means that the registered Interested Party agrees with the published version of this document.

Click here to access the simplified version of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy  of the Restricted Area.

Access to the Exclusive Area